Anthony is author of the "The Hyperfocused Entrepreneur". He also has a Youtube channel with 15k+ subscribers, built and exited two 7-figure companies, and manages a $80M real estate portfolio.
Guest Author: Anthony Vicino
Uncomfortable Truth:
If you want to achieve greatness, stop surrounding yourself with people who tolerate your mediocrity.
Here’s 9 more uncomfortable truths I wish I’d figured out sooner:
1. Choose Your Destiny
You can either be the victim…
Or you can be the hero.
But you can’t be both.

Choose wisely.
2. Don’t Wait To Be Told
Successful people figure out how to bring value to the world without having to be told.
If you have to be told…
You’re simply a cog in the machine.
3. Price Is What You Pay, Value Is What You Get
Everything in life has a cost.
Inaction tends to be the most expensive.
Wrong action, the second most.
4. Careful Who You Listen To
Don’t take advice from people in the stands.
If they aren’t on the court…

Or have never been on the court…
They do not matter.
5. Calibrate Your Expectations Appropriately
People overestimate how hard something is because they underestimate how many reps are required to get good.
Recalibrate your expectations and the game gets downright easy.
6. Focus Where It Matters
Defense wins championships…
But only if you can actually put points on the board.
The only way to win the money game is by learning how to both MAKE and MANAGE money.
7. Guard Your Mind
Not everything that demands your attention, deserves it.
Don’t let other people’s boredom become your distraction.

8. The People Who Matter Don’t Actually Care
The people ahead of you in life are never the one’s trying to tear you down.
They generally aren’t even thinking about you.
The only people nipping at your heels and trying to bring you down are the ones looking up at you.
Just ignore them.
They don’t matter.
Focus on you.
9. Make Good Small Decisions
Bad decisions compound faster than good ones.
There is no such thing as a small bad decision.
Treat every decision as though it matters…
Because they do.
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