Want to Join our Slack Community?
We recently launched a Slack community that is completely free to join. Just click on this link to join today and meet some great like-minded folks.
Join: https://join.slack.com/t/techzicommunity/shared_invite/zt-27n0gc5qq-ZE4WSPLY_uFKWh6ke6xkFg
Who is this community for?
We want to foster a community for folks that are in tech in SE Asia. You might work in a larger tech company like Grab or you might even be in a small startup.

What is covered there?
The topics are up to you. Today we generally cover startups, interesting tech events, etc.
Also, whenever you have ideas or feedback for Techzi you can write to us directly there.
Or perhaps if you’re interested in being a contributing writer and publishing to Techzi.. you can also reach out there as we have a channel for this.
Why would I wanna join? What are the benefits?
We have been a part of numerous ‘communities’ related to tech and have generally seen many varieties of what to do there.
But for now at least we want to keep things open and learn from the folks that join… what do they want to see and talk about here?
But we do expect it to be a place to meet cool, like-minded people in a very free environment.
What does it cost?
It costs nothing.