My Review of Techzi

by Max Graham

First who am I?

I am Max and I live in Chang Mai, Thailand. But am originally from the US.

I’m currently working on a startup and have been in the tech space my entire career. I enjoy reading tech news and so when a friend recommended recently that I check out Techzi, I gave it a try.

Here are some of my thoughts.

My synopsis on Techzi

Example of Title and Summary of Articles

1st: The Quality of the Content

(+) Titles are catchy and give me a good idea of what the article is about

(+) I found it easy to read. It’s short and the language used is simple.

(+) I liked the summaries that are at the top and sometimes that is all I read

(+) I liked the scope in that it seemed to cover all the major SEA headlines plus had interesting international stories mixed in

(-) Sometimes I read some articles that seem like they could have been written by AI. But it definitely isn’t that blaring if it is.

2nd: The Quantity of the Content

(+) There seem to be in the range of 10 new stories per day, which I think is a good amount. I used to read Tech in Asia and they often only had 4-5 new articles per day, which I often didn’t feel like was sufficient.

(-) Most stories seem to be the ones you can find on popular news sources like Tech in Asia… I would love if there were more articles on unique topics that are hard to find elsewhere.

Example of Images

3rd: The Images

(+) There are lots of colorful images on each article. And this seems to break up the text well and make it very easy to read.

The Homepage Format

4th: The Homepage

(+) I like that the homepage is very simple. I tend to just read from the top down until I get to an article that I read yesterday.

(+) I’m also a big fan of the tags as it allows me to quickly drill down into topics I’m most interested in.

(-) There seems to be a lot of white space so I think they can do a better job at that.

Daily Email Example

5th: The daily email

(+) I liked the format where you have a thumbnail, a title and then a couple sentences of summary. Sometimes if i’m in a rush… all I read is this email and I don’t click through to the site.

(+) I like the timing of the daily email in that it usually arrives in the morning whereas there are some other news newsletters that I subscribe to which are very unpredictable and sometimes come in the evening.