Sahil Bloom is an inspirational writer and content creator, captivating millions of people every week through his social insights and bi-weekly newsletter, The Curiosity Chronicle.
Guest Author: Sahil Bloom
Today is my 33rd birthday.
Here are 33 life learnings from my 33 years of life:
1. Life is hard, but fortunately, you get to choose your hard.
2. You don’t owe it to anybody else, you owe it to yourself.
3. No one has it all figured out.
4. Life is more fragile than you think (even when you account for that statement).
5. Someone is either holding you back or powering you forward, there is no in between.
6. The word “yet” will completely change your life.
7. Life has seasons (and each must be embraced for the good and bad).
8. Identity is the real thing we’re all searching for.
9. No plan has ever survived first contact with the enemy.
10. Success always follows interest.

11. Insecurity is a natural human condition.
12. You really have no idea what you’re capable of.
13. Fall in love with the ordinary.
14. Most people overestimate what they can do in a day and underestimate what they can do in a year.
15. Avoid compound mistakes and you’ll always find a way to win.
16. Freedom is the real goal.
17. People will call you weird—and that’s a good thing.
18. You should always cringe at your former self.
19. Optimism is not about ignoring obstacles, it’s about viewing every obstacle as an opportunity rather than a permanent roadblock.
20. Unproductive walks are the most productive activity.

21. There is no such thing as the “right moment” for a big decision.
22. Find someone who you love doing nothing with.
23. When something isn’t working, fight the urge to add and ask what you can subtract instead.
24. “Less, but better” is a mantra that applies to everything.
25. Stop trying to change people who don’t want to change.
26. Every single person you see is fighting a battle you’ll never know anything about.
27. Everyone needs a few Foreign Prison Friends.
28. Someone believing in you may promote consistency, but someone betting against you will always spark intensity.
29. Authenticity always stands out.
30. Focus on actions, not words.

31. Never bet against the person who just keeps getting back up.
32. We all get more embarrassing with age (or we’re just mature enough to embrace it).
33. Cherish your Front Row People.
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