Sahil Bloom is an inspirational writer and content creator, captivating millions of people every week through his social insights and bi-weekly newsletter, The Curiosity Chronicle.
Guest Author: Sahil Bloom
Harsh Truth: Ideas are cheap, execution is expensive.
4 simple models to 10x your execution in 2024:
1. My 30-for-30 Approach
Do the thing you’re trying to improve at for 30 minutes per day for 30 straight days.
30 days of effort is a real commitment. If you are half-in, you won’t want to take it on and commit to the 30 days.

30 minutes per day is short enough that you can mentally take it on. Pre- start self-intimidation is one of the biggest drivers of stagnation.
30 days of 30 minutes per day is 900 total minutes of accumulated effort. This will yield surprisingly significant results.
2. The Two-Day Rule
With whatever habit you’re trying to build, never allow yourself to skip more than one day in a row.

Quoting a study in the European Journal of Social Psychology: “Missing one opportunity to perform the behaviour did not materially affect the habit formation process.”
Skipping one day won’t hurt your habit building, as long as you don’t skip the next one.
3. Habit Stacking
James Clear famously pointed out that we execute on Daily Systems most effectively when they are fixed to a time or action that makes them easy to structure and regiment.

He calls this Habit Stacking:
• “I’ll journal 30 minutes before bed.”
• “I’ll do 25 pushups when I get out of bed.”
• “I’ll read 30 minutes of my favorite novel while doing cardio.”
It’s a simple, effective behavioral trick to execute against Daily Systems.
4. Minimum Viable Progress
Never skip a day, but anything above zero counts.
Have a goal in mind to do 30 minutes of the action every single day—but if you can’t hit that, just do any tiny amount above zero.

Remember: Anything above zero compounds!
If you leverage those four simple models, you will 10x your execution in 2024 and reach new heights.
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