Sahil Bloom is an inspirational writer and content creator, captivating millions of people every week through his social insights and bi-weekly newsletter, The Curiosity Chronicle.
Guest Author: Sahil Bloom
2024 is officially upon us!
Here’s how I’m planning to have my best year yet:
1. Goal Setting Framework
I use a simple framework for goal-setting for the new year:
Big Goals: These are your big, year-long, audacious goals. Select 1-3 specific, measurable Big Goals within each primary category (Professional and Personal).

Checkpoint Goals: You work backwards from your Big Goals to formulate a set of Checkpoint Goals (the mid-climb campsites along the way). Select 1 specific, measurable Checkpoint Goal for each Big Goal.
Daily Systems: These are the daily actions that you need to take to create tangible, compounding forward progress. Select 1-3 specific Daily Systems for each Checkpoint Goal.
Anti-Goals: Anti-Goals are the things we DON’T want to happen on our journey to achieve our Big Goals. To define your Anti-Goals, invert the problem: What are the worst outcomes that could occur from your pursuit of these Big Goals? What could lead to that worst outcome? Using your answers, select 1-3 Anti-Goals for each Big Goal.
2. System Building Mental Models
Here are four simple models to 10x your execution:
My 30-for-30 Approach: Do the thing you’re trying to improve at for 30 minutes per day for 30 straight days. 900 total minutes of accumulated effort. This will yield surprisingly significant results.
The Two-Day Rule: With whatever habit you’re trying to build, never allow yourself to skip more than one day in a row. Skipping one day won’t hurt your habit building, as long as you don’t skip the next one.

Habit Stacking: James Clear argued that we execute most effectively when systems are fixed to a time or action that makes them easy. I’ll journal 30 minutes before bed or I’ll do 25 pushups when I get out of bed.
Minimum Viable Progress: Never skip a day, but anything above zero counts. Have a goal in mind to do 30 minutes of the action every single day—but if you can’t hit that, just do any tiny amount above zero. Remember: Anything above zero compounds!
3. Strategy for Tracking & Adjusting
To stay on course, conduct a three question monthly check-in on the last Friday of each month:
What really matters right now in my life and are my Big Goals still aligned with this? This is a simple way to pressure test your Big Goals and ensure they are still the right ones.
Are my current Daily Systems aligned with my Big Goals? Assess the quality of your Daily Systems and whether they are creating the appropriate momentum. If not, adjust accordingly.

What do I need to cut from my life to progress more efficiently? Assess the quality of your environment and evaluate whether there are any toxic habits or relationships that are a drag on your growth. Make necessary changes.
Download my free Annual Planning Guide to walk through this process today and prepare for 2024 to be the best year of your life:
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