Noah Kagan is the Co-Founder, Chief Sumo and CEO at AppSumo, a daily deal website for software. Prior to that, he served as a co-founder of Gambit. Noah is also a very popular Youtuber and social media personality.
Guest Author: Noah Kagan
I interviewed the world’s most-followed productivity expert: Ali Abdaal.
He started as a full-time doctor.
Now he’s grown his YouTube channel to over 4.9 million subscribers and just released his new book ‘Feel Good Productivity’.
Here are 9 useful mental frameworks from our conversation:
1. The Two-Year Test
– Who’s help might you need in two years that you can help now? What seeds can you plant right now that will benefit your future self?
2. Who, Not How
– We often waste tons of time trying to figure stuff out on our own instead of asking someone for help. Asking for help is not weakness, it’s strength.

3. Counsel of Wisemen
– Curate a group of your most trusted friends to point out each other’s blindspots and give advice. I do this every quarter with my best friends. Highly recommended.
4. The 1% Better Effect
– If you give a little more effort than everyone else, you’ll get a lot more in return. I’ve hired hundreds of people. Impressive people find ways to stand out.
5. The Joy Paradox
– The best way to feel more joy is to create more joy for others.

6. The Backwards Rule
– The best way to achieve something is to start with your goal and reverse engineer your way toward it.
7. The Lottery Question
– If you won $1,000,000, would you still be doing what you’re currently doing?
8. Homework For Life
– At the end of each day, write down the most ‘Storyworthy’ moment of the day. You’ll realize that your life is full of meaningful stories and now you won’t forget them. H/T: Matthew Dicks
9. The Tombstone Question
– If you fast forward to your grave, what would you want written on your tombstone? How can you live in accordance to that?

=== I LOVED this convo with @AliAbdaal.
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