This is a post by Jesse Pujji. Jessi a serial entrepreneur that lives in the US. He has:
- Bootstrapped to an 8-figure exist with his previous startup, Ampush
- Is currently building GatewayX, a venture studio that he plans to bootstrap to $1B+
- Executive Chairman & Founder of
- ex-McKinsey Consultant
Guest Author: Jesse Pujji
My 14 Most Important Lessons about Entrepreneurship: 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽
1/ Bias to action always WINS.
Any analysis ahead of action is purely speculation. You really do not understand something until you’ve done it. Analysis post-action can be driven by real data.
So when you are stuck, TAKE ACTION vs keep thinking.
2/ Never be the bottleneck for someone to get work done.
This is one simple principle that requires you to be organized, effective at communication, and good at delegation.
3/ When it comes to business results, be ruthless.
But when it comes to people, be very compassionate.

The best leaders do not either/or this, they integrate it, every day.
4/ There is no such thing as a momentary lapse of integrity.
If someone is dishonest, it is likely not the first time and definitely not the last time.
When you first see it, take decisive action.
5/ Have everyone “assume positive intent.”
Assume people want to do a good job, want the company to succeed, and want to grow in their careers.
Even if these aren’t all true, it makes one more open-minded and less petty.
If your team does this, 99% of conflicts go away.
6/ People are people.
They are all different from each other; they all have good days and bad days, and everyone enjoys being recognized and praised.

People need to be motivated, guided, and empowered.
7) Tenacity is the most important trait for building a company.
It is not intelligence, creativity, or salesmanship, but sheer determination.
8) Build strong relationships with mentors, people a few steps ahead of you, and peers.
9) There is no RIGHT way to start and build a company, stop looking for one.
10) If you constantly find yourself unsatisfied and unhappy, consider it time to do the inner work.
Meditate, find a coach, and start to explore what really drives you.
11) Fear as a motivator is a non-renewable resource that leaves a negative residue on you and those around you.
12) When in conflict, I’d take curiosity & enthusiasm over intelligence & organization.

People who love learning win.
13) Learn the art of selling
Selling isn’t just required in business, it’s required in everything you do.
Learn how to make clear, concise, compelling arguments.
14) If you enjoyed this thread, follow me!!
I tweet advice and stories about entrepreneurship and leadership like this every week.
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