This is a post by Jesse Pujji. Jessi a serial entrepreneur that lives in the US. He has:
- Bootstrapped to an 8-figure exist with his previous startup, Ampush
- Is currently building GatewayX, a venture studio that he plans to bootstrap to $1B+
- Executive Chairman & Founder of
- ex-McKinsey Consultant
Guest Author: Jesse Pujji
The founder of ZoomInfo is one of my favorite Bootstrapped Billionaires:
+ Raised by a single mother in LA
+ Owns >10% of ZoomInfo, worth over a Billi
+ Originally learned the business via cold calling selling lists on CDs

+ Started ZoomInfo in Law School to crush the company he worked for in college (eventually bought it)
+ After bootstrapping to ~$20M in ARR, he finally raised money and bought out EVERY competitor in the industry to create ZoomInfo
+ He’s built an amazing sales culture and regularly still gets on calls to close out prospects

+ He lives on John Hancock’s original property called “founders only!”
+ He’s endowed large donations at his alma maters UNLV/Ohio State and hospitals in Boston and Portland
I wanna be Henry Schuck when I grow up!