This is a Linkedin post by Jesse Pujji. Jessi a serial entrepreneur that lives in the US. He has:
- Bootstrapped to an 8-figure exist with his previous startup, Ampush
- Is currently building GatewayX, a venture studio that he plans to bootstrap to $1B+
- Executive Chairman & Founder of
- ex-McKinsey Consultant
Guest Author: Jesse Pujji
It’s September 12, 1962 at Rice stadium in Houston, Texas…
And JFK gives a speech that ALL entrepreneurs need to internalize:
“We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.”
In reality…JFK had NO CLUE how to actually get somebody on the Moon…
But he put a stake in the ground and articulated what I called a DFS or “Desired Future State.”

Most people just do things without a clear goal or vision for what they’re doing.
But he knew exactly what he wanted…
And entrepreneurs need to do the same.
Here’s 3 reasons why setting a DFS is crucial for your business + why every entrepreneur needs one:
1) It gives you clear direction:
With a DFS in mind, you have the ability to know exactly where you’re headed. It’s like magic!
Example: if your SaaS sets a DFS to hit $1M ARR by EOY, just work backwards to determine the # of emails sent, mtgs, and closings you need to hit that DFS. Doesn’t seem reasonable? Update!
2) It helps you measure progress:
A DFS is a clear and specific articulation of something YOU want. You can have it include numbers, data, teammates, customer types. The more detailed the better.
Once you set your DFS, measuring progress becomes easy. Just take your current reality (where you are right now) and compare it with your DFS!

3) It inspires action:
A DFS is not bound by your current situation or resources. It is exciting, ambitious, and driven by curiosity and fascination – motivating you to turn your vision of the future into reality!
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