This is a post by Jesse Pujji. Jessi a serial entrepreneur that lives in the US. He has:
- Bootstrapped to an 8-figure exist with his previous startup, Ampush
- Is currently building GatewayX, a venture studio that he plans to bootstrap to $1B+
- Executive Chairman & Founder of
- ex-McKinsey Consultant
Guest Author: Jesse Pujji
Don’t confuse activity with results.
Activity may satisfy you in the moment and make you feel busy/hard-working but often doesn’t move the needle.
In my experience, results come from deep focus and prioritization on the ONE thing that matters that hour, day, week, month, etc.
The best way I’ve seen to get to that ONE THING is to ask:
“If you had a magic wand right now and could make (ONLY) 1 thing happen to unlock your business to enjoy success/growth/scale, what would it be?”

Most people know the answer intuitively:
“Get my FB ads converting!
“Have 10 amazing salespeople!”
“Ship this new feature!”
Btw It’s ok and normal if the one thing changes next week.
Then once you know the ONE THING – work backward from it to figure out what you need to do to get that “magic wand” outcome you want.
Eg for FB ads: build two new landing pages, get 20 pictures taken, have a new content piece, hire a consultant, etc.
And ONLY DO THAT until you either see success or prove to yourself it won’t work (yet).
Get specific, tactical and drive it with urgency.

It turns out: this approach also scales because as a founder, ask your team the same question about their magic wand and help them attack that thing tenaciously.
In early PayPal days, Peter Thiel famously would only talk to his team about one thing at a time. It works.
The last benefit? It avoids false progress.
Your magic wand thing is like beating the boss on the video game level you’re on.
It teaches you things that help you win the next levels and, if you skip it, you’ll likely lose later on.

So, now that you’ve read this… what is the one thing you’d want from your magic wand?
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