Anthony is author of the "The Hyperfocused Entrepreneur". He also has a Youtube channel with 15k+ subscribers, built and exited two 7-figure companies, and manages a $80M real estate portfolio.
Guest Author: Anthony Vicino
“We cannot create that which we cannot imagine.”
Greatness demands that you SEE your dreams in your mind before they can become a reality.
Now, I’m sure you’ve heard all about the powers of Visualization in the past, but from my experience, most people are doing it all wrong.
After having coached a number of Olympians, professional performers, and high level CEOs, here’s what I’ve learned about the right way to visualize your goals:
It’s not enough to simply go through the motions in your mind.
You must EMBODY the activity.
You must see it, hear it, smell, and feel it.

Watch The Mountain in this clip at the end as he holds this weight… Look at his face..
Do you see that?
He’s SEEING the crowd and continuing to hold the weight so he can bask in the glory.
This man is IN THE MOMENT with his entire being.
Is it any surprise that he then goes on to crush the lift in the competition?
No, it isn’t.
Because he’s already been there and done that… in his mind.
Here’s 3 tips to become a master of visualization
1. See It From Multiple Angles
Most people visualize an activity from one of two perspectives:
First Person View
Both are good, but the more angles we can see ourselves doing the thing, the more clear the vision becomes.

So next time you visualize a thing, try it from as many alternative angles as you can imagine:
See it from the eyes of your competitor…
Or your coach on the sideline…
Or the crowd in the stands…
The more angles, the better.
2. Play with Speed
Again, we tend to visualize the activity playing out at one of two speeds:
Normal Time
Slow Motion
But there are so many other ways to tinker with this..
Try speeding it up… or playing it backwards.
Or try stopping time entirely and swapping Viewpoints.
(that one is a personal favorite)
3. Change the Color
If you’re currently visualizing in color, try it in black-and-white…
(or visa versa)
Then again, try oversaturating the image so it’s brighter than reality.
Again, all of these techniques are simply designed to help us embody success from as many angles as possible before we step into the arena…
That way, success is simply a formality because you’ve already been there and done that.