Anthony is author of the "The Hyperfocused Entrepreneur". He also has a Youtube channel with 15k+ subscribers, built and exited two 7-figure companies, and manages a $80M real estate portfolio.
Guest Author: Anthony Vicino
Master these 9 skills to unlock your full potential:
(really wish I’d figured these out earlier in life)
1. How to be Bored
Boredom is the antidote to most of modern life’s issues.
• foggy thinking
• overwhelm
• distraction
Studies show boredom boosts creativity, problem solving, and overall productivity.

Simply put:
Make space for boredom.
2. How to Calculate Risk
Risk cannot be avoided.
It can only be managed.
The ones that do not undertand this are living the riskiest lives of all.
The risk of mediocrity is greater than the risk of failure.
3. How to Create Wealth
Most people live paycheck to paycheck…
(even the ones making a lot of money)
That’s because they don’t understand how to build meaningful wealth.
4. How to Focus
Time is NOT your most valuable asset.
In fact, it has ZERO value. To anyone.
If it did, you could just show up, pass out, and get paid.
No, you’re paid for your focused attention.

Focus is your most valuable asset.
Invest it wisely.
5. How to Make a Decision
Clarity of thought leads to improved judgment, which produces better decisions, and ultimately, better results.
Most of us were never taught how to make a good decision.
As a result, we rely on emotions.
But emotions make it feel as though dots connect that do not.
Here’s a tool for developing better Judgment:
Keep a Decision Journal.
Let me know if you want my template and I’ll hook you up.
6. How to Maximize Your Energy
It’s simple:
Energy Fuels Focus
No Energy = No Focus
If you want more energy, pull these three levers:
1. Sleep
2. Nutrition
3. Exercise
7. How to Develop Gratitude
If you’re like me, you spend most of your time focused on the gap between where you are and where you’re trying to go.
Instead, focus on the gap between where you are and where you began.

There’s a lifetime of gratitude to be found in that ever growing chasm.
8. How to Fail Your Way to Success
Success and Failure are two sides of the same magical coin…
In the beginning, that coin is rigged to land on failure 99% of the time.
But, with each flip the balance shifts 0.01% towards success.
So just keep flipping.
Success becomes inevitable.
9. How to Play the Game of Life
There are two types of games we can play in this life
– Finite Games
– Infinite Games
Finite Games are the ones we play to see who is the best.
They have a defined outcome by which we can measure who won and who lost.
Most people are stuck playing these zero-sum games because they don’t realize they can play a different sort of game… an infinite game.
The only goal of an Infinite Game is to keep playing.
For instance:
The goal of marriage isn’t to win… it’s to stay married.
The games most worth playing in life are Infinite in nature…
And when it comes to Infinite Games, this is the best Game Theory:
You can’t win if you don’t start… and you can’t lose if you don’t quit.
Carry this mindset into everything you do and you’ll be virtually unstoppable.