Anthony is author of the "The Hyperfocused Entrepreneur". He also has a Youtube channel with 15k+ subscribers, built and exited two 7-figure companies, and manages a $80M real estate portfolio.
Guest Author: Anthony Vicino
5 lies you’re told about the world: (on business, money, and personal development)
1. The Focus Lie
You don’t have a focus problem…
Proof: You could easily binge Netflix for hours.
The truth: You have a focus management problem. We are dopamine seeking missiles incapable of sitting with boredom for more than 15 minutes.
The result is as Blaise Pascal pointed out: “All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.”

2. The Lie of Enough
We tell ourselves: I’ll be happy when I…
- Make more money
- Buy that fancy car
- Move into that amazing house
- Find the partner of my dreams
The truth: There is no escaping The Hedonic Treadmill.

All you can change is what you’re walking towards. In my experience, there’s only one thing worth walking towards: (and it’s not happiness) It’s purpose.
3. The Consumer Lie
The world is on a quest to make everything:
- Easier
- Quicker
- More Convenient
Our lives are filled with hyper-caloric food and entertainment lulling us into states of satiation. And yet, we feel empty despite lives that are so full. The reason? You cannot consume your way to fulfillment.
It can only be created. Consume Less. Create More.
*** Want the other two lies the world tells you (The Thinking Lie and The Lie of the Exceptional)? Check out the video we just dropped. You can find it down below.
Ready to expose these lies for what they are? Dive deeper here. P.S. This video is a bit different than usual… Let me know what you think!
Check out the original tweet here.