Anthony is author of the "The Hyperfocused Entrepreneur". He also has a Youtube channel with 15k+ subscribers, built and exited two 7-figure companies, and manages a $80M real estate portfolio.
Guest Author: Anthony Vicino
13 epiphanies that transformed my life as an entrepreneur:
(really wish I would’ve figured these out sooner)
1. There is no “right” way.
There is only the way that works for you.
(and this is constantly evolving)
2. The Product solves a Problem for a Prospect.
Solve this equation in the right order and the game gets a whole lot easier.
(hint: work backwards)
3. A system will never grow beyond it’s biggest constraint…
And in almost all cases, the biggest constraint in any business is the founder.
Reinvest as much as humanly possible into removing yourself as the constraint.
You do this by either leveling up your own capacity OR by hiring (usually a combination of the two).
Every second you waste not having a particular skill is costing you millions.
4. There are only ever two times to hire:
• Too soon
• Too late
The cost of hiring too soon is capital.
The cost of hiring too late is missed opportunities.

As a general rule:
The cost of the second is almost always greater than the cost of the first.
(Psst… follow me Anthony Vicino for more content like this)
5. The business that’ll make you the most money is probably not the one that’ll impress people at the cocktail party.
6. The two languages of business you MUST become fluent in: Numbers and People.
(Learn Accounting and Psychology)
7. People don’t buy products.
People buy the story they tell themselves about that product.
8. Learn how to:
• Develop People
• Manage Capital
• Produce Content
• Distribute Value at Scale

And you’re virtually unstoppable.
9. Business books are filled with advice from people connecting the dots through the rear-view mirror.
I promise, it didn’t look nearly so neat, organized, or intentional at the time of execution.
10. Fundamentals consistently applied with excellence wins championships.
Unfortunately, fundamentals are incredibly boring…
Which is why:
11. Success comes to those most able to endure the boring work for the longest.
12. Nobody has ever gone out of business from having too much Cashflow.
13. If you don’t love what you do, it’s really hard to beat the guy who does.

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