This article was written by Ken Leaver who comes from a product & commercial background. He has founded multiple companies and held senior product positions at SEA tech companies like Lazada and Pomelo Fashion.
Ken runs his own agency that helps early stage companies execute faster and cheaper. Check out his linkedin at:
Guest Author: Ken Leaver
Really enjoyed the way Adam Spector of sums up the opportunity for global offshoring in this podcast.
As in a way it’s both vicious and yet true.
1 – With the move to remote processes, there is little reason for most white collar jobs in the US to even exist anymore.
– As there is no sense paying someone $50k+/yr when you can pay <$10k to someone in Asia.
2 – So over the next decade or so… you will see companies like his (Levy) empty out white collar jobs (middle mgmt and below) from these US & European companies.

– Those companies will be pressured to do this to remain competitive
3 – In this transition they are also getting very adept at AI to try and move as much as they can to AI.
4 – This will have devastating impacts on Americans in the short-term.
5 – But in the longer-term many will become entrepreneurs.
– And being an entrepreneur will be made much easier by platforms that do many things for you.

I feel like being an expat here in SE Asia you are on the frontlines of seeing this transition to offshore.
Because it’s not really any different from the dilemma that any expat working in SE Asia has.
Nobody is going to pay you to do a job that a local can do. And so you need to always remain a step ahead in terms of skills/value to remain competitive.