The internet weighs in on casting the controversial billionaire in his first big screen portrayal
Hollywood hive, listen up! Elon Musk is finally getting the big screen treatment in an upcoming biopic.

Darren Aronofsky, director of psychological thrillers like Black Swan, is helming the film based on Walter Isaacson’s biography of the billionaire. Juicy!
Now the internet is aflutter about who could play the controversial mogul. Will they go for sheer physical similarity? Or someone who can capture Elon’s essence?
Top Contenders in the Great Musk Casting Debate
Here are the top contenders in the Great Musk Casting Debate:

Rami Malek has the angular look and acting chops as Mr. Robot. But does he have the right eccentric energy?

Michael Fassbender portrayed another tech titan in Steve Jobs. Can he go 2 for 2?

Robert Downey Jr. shared the screen with Musk during a Iron Man 2 cameo. Real recognizes real?

The internet points to Kevin Durand’s resemblance. But does he have enough gravitas?
Steve Buscemi could definitely bring some oddball appeal. But can he lose the Fargo accent?

Alexander Skarsgard oozed icy intensity as a Zuck-esque bro in Succession. Maybe skip the vamp fangs this time.

And yes, the trolls are saying Jesse Eisenberg reprising his Social Network role.
Who do you think has the right mix of look, acting chops, and eccentric flair to tackle this complex character?
Casting Elon is sure to ignite fierce debate. But that’s half the fun for we pop culture vultures.
Let the games begin.