Anthony is author of the "The Hyperfocused Entrepreneur". He also has a Youtube channel with 15k+ subscribers, built and exited two 7-figure companies, and manages a $80M real estate portfolio.
Guest Author: Anthony Vicino
Feeling stuck in business or life?
Here’s 3 hard pills you might need to swallow:
1. Cheap Dopamine is a Myth
Junk Food.
Video Games.
It turns out there is no such thing as “cheap” dopamine.

You just don’t understand the price you’re actually paying.
It’s costing you something you can’t even see:
Your future.
Cheap dopamine is the most expensive dopamine of all.
2. Fear is a Compass Pointing You in the Direction of Growth.
Good rule of thumb for life:
Follow your fear.
Best case scenario:
You’ll learn things about yourself you never could’ve imagined.
Worse case scenario:
You’ll have way more interesting stories to tell.
So what are you waiting for?
Today is a great day to go fight a dragon.

3. People Dumber Than You Are Making Millions
School indoctrinates a certain way of thinking about money in us…
It teaches us to equate intelligence (or grades) with earning potential.
If this is your paradigm, then buckle up, because you’re gonna be wildly disappointed once you get into the real world and realize that:
Money doesn’t flow to the smartest people…
It flows to the most action-oriented people.
Here’s something interesting I’ve noticed over the years:
Dumb people are often the most action-oriented because they don’t sit around over-thinking everything.
If they did, they’d realize the odds of success are so low that they probably shouldn’t even bother.

This is where most smart-people get hung up…
Instead of getting into the game and giving it a shot (even with abysmal odds), they make the only move guaranteed not to win…
They do nothing.
Note: When I say “dumb people” here, I’m not referring to IQ.
I’m talking about people who are willing to take risks and look stupid in pursuit of their goals.
In my experience, there is a direct correlation between willingness to look stupid and likelihood of success.
Have you ever struggled with one of these? If so, which one?