Matt Gray is a well known Youtuber and content creator. He is also the founder of Herb - the largest and most engaged cannabis community in the world of over 14 million people.
Previously he founded Bitmaker, which trained full-stack software engineers and got them jobs at companies like Shopify, Facebook, and IBM. Bitmaker was acquired by General Assembly.
Guest Author: Matt Gray
ChatGPT is horrible at content.
That was my mentality 6 months ago.
But after days of experimenting with different prompts, I’ve found a powerful use case.
How to use ChatGPT to help you niche down (and be a $1M+ category champion):
1. My big mistake:
Believing that the one-lined prompts would help me save ~30 hours/week of work.
This mentality:
Made me view ChatGPT as a virtual assistant instead of a brainstorming partner.

2. ChatGPT is built on generative AI.
It’s not built to perfectly handle complex tasks (without complex prompting/training).
It’s built to help you surface:
• Ideas
• Statistics
• Insights / Examples
3. The hardest question for any creator: How do I find my niche?
So I went about experimenting with how I could use ChatGPT to help me figure out my Ikigai.
Ikigai = your reason for being
The thing that gets you up in the morning.

4. Tell Your Story
Feed ChatGPT 3 lists:
• Your Skills
• Your Work Experience
• Your Interests / Hobbies
This will help it understand:
• What you love
• What you are good at
• What you can be paid for
It’s built a profile of who you are.
5. Now you have to provide direction for ChatGPT:
• Your goal
• An example output
• Pitfalls to avoid on the way

6. Now it’s time to iterate and perfect it.
Like every ChatGPT prompt, don’t accept the first version.
• Add new constraints
• Edit your interests/hobbies
• Refine your “ideal output statement”
7. One of my favorite iterations.
Layering on more specificity:
Problem (Burnout, Health, Investing)
Industry (Tech, Retail)
Demographic (28-25)
Location (NYC, LA, Mexico City)
Interests (Runners, Backpackers)
Business Model (SaaS Founders, Coaches)
8. Prompt to leverage:
• “For each of these 10 generated ideas, what age demographic should I target?”
• “For each of these 10 generated ideas, how would you advertise the product?”

9. Having a niche is insanely powerful if monetization is your goal.
• Enables you to stand out
• Ensures you outcompete other offers
• Allows you to position yourself as an expert
10. Regardless of where you are at in your journey, I found this an interesting exercise to undertake:
• Helped me learn new marketing techniques
• Generated ~3-4 potential new business ideas to jam on
• Iterated 2-3 times on my true interests and valuable skills to learn

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