Anthony is author of the "The Hyperfocused Entrepreneur". He also has a Youtube channel with 15k+ subscribers, built and exited two 7-figure companies, and manages a $80M real estate portfolio.
Guest Author: Anthony Vicino
11 years ago I got one of those calls that completely sideswipes your life.
It was my fiance.
She said: “I can’t do this anymore.”
Next thing I know I’m living out of a van in downtown Oakland with $80,000 of debt…
Here’s how I turned things around:
1. Radical Accountability
The journey starts with a simple decision:
You can either be the victim…
Or you can be the hero.

But you can’t be both.
Most people unconsciously choose to be the victim of their story.
They blame the world and everybody around them as the reason for why they aren’t where they want to be in life.
And you know what?
In a lot of cases, these people are right…
It’s not their fault their lives are f*cked…
And they’re perfectly justified to feel screwed over.
But here’s the thing:
It might not be your fault, but it is your problem.
And unfortunateky, nobody is coming to save you.
It’s on YOU to go fight the dragon… regardless of where that dragon ultimately came from.
2. Disengage Auto-Pilot
Most of us are simply going through the motions.
Following the path our parents or society laid out for us when we were little kids.

Never stopping to actually ask ourselves:
Is this what I really want?
The beautiful thing about this life (and a truth most people never actually stumble upon) is that not only do we get to decide which games we play…
But we also get to make up the rules.
Which means WE decide what winning and losing looks like.
So why on earth would you ever choose to play a game that you can’t or don’t want to win?
There are 3 areas of life in particular you should sit down and decide what winning and losing looks like.
They are your:
1. Health
2. Wealth
3. Relationships
Grab a notebook and spend a few hours brainstorming what it would look like to win these games.
Once we know where we’re trying to go, it’s time to take action.
3. Optimize Your Environment
The quickest way to change your life is by changing your environment.
In particular, there are three environments worth optimizing:
1. Physical
2. Social
3. Internal
In a nutshell, here’s how:
Physical Environment:
Clean your room and design your living/workspace with intention.

Social Environment:
You are the average of the five people you hang out with most. Change your 5, change your life.
Internal Environment:
Master your 3 Levers of Energy (Nutrition, Sleep, Exercise).
There’s SO much to unpack on this topic.
I dropped a video awhile back diving deeper. Go check it out. 👇
👉 P.S. If you enjoyed this, you’re gonna love my newsletter where each week I share an idea to help you build a business, develop self-mastery, and maximize your return on life.
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