Wanna get a personalized greeting from Richieee?
Well it’s simple… just refer 5 friends to subscribe to www.techzi.co and Richiee will record a personalized thank you video (up to 20 seconds in length) to you.
What better way to kick off your holidays!
How do you refer?
Step 1: Signup for Techzi
Step 2: Login
Step 3: In the top right corner select “Referrals”

Step 4: Copy your individual referral link

Step 5: Send this link to your friends however you want and they sign up.
Step 6: Once you get 5 referrals than just send us an email to contact@techzi.co with your name and anything specific you’d like to say in the greeting that Richieee will make.
Step 7: And within 5 days we will email you back Richieee’s personalized video message to you.